10 Expert Performance Tips Every Senior React JS Developer Should Master

Sohit Mishra
3 min readApr 19, 2024

As a senior JavaScript developer specializing in React, mastering the art of performance optimization is essential for delivering top applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into 10 expert tips to supercharge your React development skills and elevate your projects to new heights.

10 Expert Performance Tips Every Senior React JS Developer Should Master

Enhancing Component Rendering Efficiency

Efficient component rendering is vital for delivering high-performing React applications. This segment explores various strategies to optimize render performance, ensuring swift page loads.

React.memo and PureComponents

React.memo and PureComponent serve as powerful techniques to prevent unnecessary component re-renders. React.memo acts as a higher-order component for functional components, while PureComponent serves as a base class for class components. Both strategies optimize rendering by allowing re-renders only when the component’s props have shallowly changed.

Let’s compare a standard component with one using React.memo:

// Regular functional component
const TitleRegular = ({ text }) => {
console.log("Rendering Regular Title...");
return <h2>{text}</h2>;
// Memoized functional component using React.memo…



Sohit Mishra

Hi, I'm Sohit Mishra, a full-stack developer obsessed with creating seamless digital experiences through front-end and back-end technologies.